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Center for Applied Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine

Public Relations

Publications and public relation articles are of major importance for increasing the visibility of the CABMM and emphasizing the uniqueness of our network.

CABMM-affiliated publications

Multiple peer-reviewed articles  affiliated with the CABMM have been published in different scientific journals. The number and quality of these papers reflect not only the activity within our network, but also the success and quality of the CABMM.

CABMM Report

With the biannual CABMM Report, we try to highlight the unique interdisciplinary and translational character of the CABMM. In addition to providing an overview of the science performed at the CABMM and projects supported by a CABMM Start-up Grant, we also try to make the report suitable for a broad audience, inside and outside the scientific community. For this purpose, one chapter with personal portraits of people involved in the CABMM network is included, describing not only their scientific interests, but also some private aspects of their life.

CABMM Newsletter

In order to keep all interested people up-to-date and allow for them to be informed in a timely manner, we publish the CABMM Newsletter depending on necessity.

Public relation articles

Additionally, more public relation articles about the interdisciplinary research of our members have already been published in conjunction with Pan European Networks. With these articles, we also aim to increase the visibility of the CABMM within the European science community, and hopefully, to pave the way for successful new collaborations.
