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Center for Applied Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine

Prof. em. Dr. Brigitte von Rechenberg

Foto Brigitte von Rechenberg

Brigitte von Rechenberg Consulting GmbH

Brigitte von Rechenberg Consulting GmbH

The founder and former head of the MSRU, Prof. em. Dr. med. vet. Brigitte von Rechenberg, is a board certified veterinary surgeon (Dipl. ECVS) specialized in small animal surgery and there, in trauma and orthopedics. She has extensive experience in clinical and experimental animal surgery, and for the latter in sheep, where she has operated > 6000 sheep for different research projects. Her main research interest is based on bone and cartilage research focusing on mechanisms of cartilage remodeling and resurfacing and substitutes for cartilage and bone. In this area she has completed and published several research projects, where osteochondral plugs were used as cartilage replacement. In addition, she is engaged in several projects related to the spine, such as vertebroplasty, disc degeneration and posterolateral fusion. As for bone and cartilage substitutes, she has studied the use of various biomaterials in conjunction with bone enhancing factors as well as basic mechanisms of cell signaling and interaction between bone resorption/ formation. In her basic research she has focused on the importance of subchondral bone on cartilage remodeling and inflammatory processes within bone leading to pathological bone resorption. She is also an expert in bone histology specialized on bone and cartilage histology using methods with non-decalcified specimens, routine paraffin histology and immunhistochemistry.

Prof. Brigitte von Rechenberg was co-founder and head of the Steering Committee of the Competence Center of Applied Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine (CABMM) from 2008 until 2018, where tissue engineering and molecular medicine is one of the center core skills. She is now officially retired from the University, but has formed her own consulting company (Brigitte von Rechenberg Consulting GmbH), where she still uses her expertise also as a consultant for the MSRU. In addition, she is a member of various Scientific Boards and Boards of foundations.

Technical Expertise:

  • In the fields of musculoskeletal research (bone & cartilage, tendon, spine & disc)
  • Soft tissue research (cardiovascular, wound healing)
  • Cranio-maxillofacial surgery and implantology