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Center for Applied Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine

Events 2023

12th CABMM Symposium

Thursday, June 29, 2023
12:45 - 18:00
University of Zurich, Main Building

Program Download program (PDF, 210 KB)
Flyer Download flyer (PDF, 178 KB)
Download summary (PDF, 463 KB)
Download Zusammenfassung (PDF, 460 KB)

Program overview:

Session: "All about tendons"
A comprehensive overview of tendon repair and regeneration including perspectives from human and veterinary medicine as well as insights into new treatment options, industry developments, regulatory aspects, and in vitro basic research.
Keynote lecture Prof. Karl Wieser, Balgrist University Hospital Zurich

Session: "CABMM Start-up Grant projects"
Projects supported by a CABMM Start-up Grant

The 12th CABMM Symposium was recognized as continuing education (0.5 day) for animal experimentation by the Veterinary Office of the Canton of Zurich and the Association of Swiss Cantonal Veterinarians (VSKT)!

1st CABMM Winter Colloquium

Thursday, February 2, 2023
13:15 - 17:45
University of Zurich, Irchel campus

Program Download program (PDF, 198 KB)
Flyer Download flyer (PDF, 175 KB)
Download summary (PDF, 498 KB)
Download Zusammenfassung (PDF, 129 KB)

Program overview:

Session: "Research within the CABMM member network"
Presentations by CABMM members from various fields

Session: "Corneal cross-linking in human and veterinary medicine"
Presentations highlighting new advances in ophthalmology following the One Medicine approach

The 1st CABMM Winter Colloquium was recognized as continuing education (0.5 day) for animal experimentation by the Veterinary Office of the Canton of Zurich and the Association of Swiss Cantonal Veterinarians (VSKT)!