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Center for Applied Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine

Past Seminars 2024

Spring Semester 2024

"Bioresorbable magnesium for osteosynthesis: from materials development to clinical application"
given by the Laboratory for Metal Physics and Technology, Department of Materials, ETH Zurich

16.05.24 Prof. Dr. Jörg Löffler (PhD) Ultrahigh-purified lean magnesium alloys for bioresorbable implant applications
23.05.24 Wolfgang Rubin In vivo assessment of magnesium-based bioresorbable screw-plate implants in a large animal cranio-maxillofacial defect model

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Benoît Schaller

Clinical application of resorbable materials in the cranio-maxillofacial region


"Veterinary clinical trials in small animal surgery"
given by the Clinic for Small Animal Surgery, Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Zurich

11.04.24 Prof. Dr. med. vet. Antonio Pozzi Clinical trials in veterinary surgery
18.04.24 Dr. Brian Park (PhD) The engineer-surgeon synergy in clinical studies

Dr. med. vet. Federico Longo

Canine shoulder: lessons learned from biplanar fluoroscopy

Dr. med. vet. Pavlos Natsios

Canine stifle: trials on cruciate ligament rupture and patellar luxation

* Participation was recognized as continuing education credit for animal experimentation by the Association of Swiss Cantonal Veterinarians.

"Good Manufacturing Practice - Introduction and experiences in the GMP environment"
given by the Wyss Zurich Translational Center, ETH Zurich and University of Zurich

29.02.24 Dr. Michael Nägeli (PhD) Introduction into GMP
07.03.24 Dr. Jenny Ann Prange (PhD) MUVON: Helping Patients regain Control - From preclinical research to clinical trials

Dr. Fabienne Hartmann-Fritsch (PhD)

CUTISS - Automating Skin Bio-engineering